765 m asl (6 points + 3 ponits bonus)
conveyance / dopravní prostředek:
railway electric unit / železniční elektrická jednotka - polské pendolino
beginning of the hike / začátek výšlapu: 11:05 UTC Mladkov ralway station
The ascent: Blacktop with snow, after then the snow across the field, then through the woods up to the top
beginning of the hike / začátek výšlapu: 11:05 UTC Mladkov ralway station
The ascent: Blacktop with snow, after then the snow across the field, then through the woods up to the top
special equipment: snowshoes / sněžnice
coming to the sumit / příchod na vrchol: 12:31 UTC
weather on the top: -6°C, gentle breeze, clear / mírný vítr, jasno /, 20cm of snow
coming to the sumit / příchod na vrchol: 12:31 UTC
weather on the top: -6°C, gentle breeze, clear / mírný vítr, jasno /, 20cm of snow

frequency: 7.032
rig: K1, 3.5W
ant: blue wire, 20 m, on branches of spruce
first CQ: 12:45 UTC
last QSO: 13:06 UTC
number of QSO: 16
the end of the hike: 15:05 UTC Mladkov raylway station
I'm very sorry, but I had to give QRT because fingers on my right hand were frozen.
I had gloves without finger-ends and my thumb and forefinger have frozen on to the paddle.
Se velice omlouvám, ale musel jsem dát QRT, protože mi mrzly prsty na pravé ruce. Měl jsem prstové rukavice bez konečků a palec a ukazovák mi normálně přimrzal k pádlu.

Ready to go
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