(English version followed)
Když už mám novou web stránku, chtěl bych zaznamenat pro příští generace s jakými problémy jsem se potýkal při stavbě stavebnice K1

úterý 25.8. večer: Zvoní telefon. Volá celník z pražské proclívací pošty a informuje se, co že mi to z Ameriky přišlo ? Vysvětluju mu o co jde. On se ptá zda to mám na podnikání, já že ne, že to mám na takové to domácí žvýkání a on že budu platit DPH, já že souhlasím a on se velice slušně loučí. :o
pátek 27.: Už mám balík na stole.
Spolu se synátorem, který v září nastupuje do třetí třídy, a chvílemi i čtyřletou dcérou, začínáme stavět. Pracujeme velice pečlivě, vše podle návodu a měříme každý odpor. Každý den přibude kousek. Na konci kapitoly vždy děláme předepsaná měření. Vše vycházelo až do oddílu 9, kde se už testuje koncový stupeň. Už při zkoušce na nulovém výkonu se ozývá od koncového tranzistoru jakési lupání. Nevěnuji tomu dostatečnou pozornost a zvyšuji na doporučené dva watty. Zaklíčuji a po několika sekundách stanice zhasne a 12V zdroj začne slyšitelně bručet. Polilo mne horko.
Vypínám zdroj a hledám příčinu. Trošku to smrdí. Po několika pokusech vyjímám z plošňáku koncový tranzistor a zkouším stanici znova zapnout. Stanice naskočila. Je to jasný, tranzistor Q7 je proražený. Nezbývá než sehnat nový a najít, kde udělal mistr tesař chybu.
12.9.: Tranzistory 2SC 1969 objednávám raději dva. Dodavatel měl posledních pár kousků a navíc předpokládám, že při dalších pokusech nebudu hned úspěšný.
15.9.: Náhradní kus přišel. Zaletovávám ho do desky , připojuji napájení přes ampérmetr, nastavuji nulový výkon a zkouším zaklíčovat. Na 7MHz je příkon 0,4A. To je dost, nicméně tranzistor by to měl přežít. Přepínám na 80 metrů . No, ale tady je odběr 1,1A !!

26.9.: Obracím se o pomoc do Elecraft e-mail fóra. Dávám k dispozici i krátké video s průběhy.
27.9.: Ozývá se jen Don W3FPR a radí, ať se zaměřím na desku filtrů, tam je většinou nejvíc chyb ve špatně spočítaných závitech cívek.
27.9.: Ozývá se jen Don W3FPR a radí, ať se zaměřím na desku filtrů, tam je většinou nejvíc chyb ve špatně spočítaných závitech cívek.
Ty jsem už prověřoval několikrát, zkouším to tedy znovu, ale vše je tak jak má být.
Následně mi Don doporučuje, ať se obrátím přímo na firemní technickou podporu.
Píšu tedy do Elecraftu a zasílám i odkaz k videu. Hned v zápětí se ozývá Gary AB7MY a radí to samé co před tím Don. Zkontrolovat hlavně desku filtrů a změřit úrovně v doporučených měřících bodech. Kontroluji tedy desky i toroidy (po kolikáté už ?) Zasílám zpět naměřené výsledky a upozorňuji, že nemohu použít měření při 2W. Gary mi opět radí zkontrolovat desky a správnost namotání cívek a traf. Z Garym si dopisuji dlouhých 14 dní. !!
Rozebírám a znovu skládám stanici, přemotávám T3 a T4, kupuji novou umělou zátěž, měřím s lepším osciloskopem, prohlížím všechny desky pod silnou lupou. Stále nic. Stále velký příkon, stále velké zkreslení před i za T4. Vypadá to podobně jako když kolega v práci, který do našich strojů navrhuje tranzistorové proudové stupně, řeší problém, když pustí výkon do špatné impedance a tranzistory mu vyhoří.
Rozebírám a znovu skládám stanici, přemotávám T3 a T4, kupuji novou umělou zátěž, měřím s lepším osciloskopem, prohlížím všechny desky pod silnou lupou. Stále nic. Stále velký příkon, stále velké zkreslení před i za T4. Vypadá to podobně jako když kolega v práci, který do našich strojů navrhuje tranzistorové proudové stupně, řeší problém, když pustí výkon do špatné impedance a tranzistory mu vyhoří.
10.10.: Už nevím jak dál. Poslední možnost je špatný budící tranzistor. Objednávám proto dva nové kousky.
11.10.: Gary mi přeposílá kopii svoji odpovědi na dotaz, který dostal den před tím od Guida ON6RL. Guido popisuje velice podobné až stejné příznaky v chování své, právě sestavené, K1-ky.
Píšu přímo Guidovi. Ani né tak, že bych čekal nějakou radu, spíš mu chci projevit solidaritu v tom. že není sám.
Jaké je moje překvapení, když druhý den mi píše Guido a radí mi ať si zkontroluji mechanické rozměry feritu T4. Že on měl v dodávce úplně jiný typ a když ho vyměnil za správný FT50-43, vše začalo fungovat.
Beru šupléru, měřím T4 a opravdu. Dle katalogových údajů to není ten správný ferit. Venkovní průměr je jen 11.35mm, oproti 12.62mm udávaných v katalogu.
Neváhám ani okamžik a neprodleně objednávám nový kroužek (raději dva).
Ještě než stihly nové kusy přijít, ozývá se ve fóru další nešťastník - Lorenz / HB9TYU - , který si dle všeho odpálil koncový tranzistor Q7. Radím mu ať prověří T4.
Za pár dní mám náhradní kus na stole. Ještě že Elecraft dodává smaltované drátky s dostatečnou rezervou, ze které motám obě nové vynutí na správný toroid. Letuji ho do desky, zapojuji ampérmetr, HF wattmetr, k němu umělou zátěž a třesoucími prsty zapínám zdroj. Na RX je vše jak má být. Přepínám na TX s 0,1W. Průběhy se zklidnily. S mrazením v zádech přepínám na 2W. Krása 0,4A na obou pásmech. Přepínám na 4W. a hodnoty v měřících bodech i příkon tak jak má být:
TX 4W 3.5MHz:
P2.1 - 1.5Vpp
P2-8 - 1.2Vpp
P3-1 - 54Vpp
P3-8 - 37Vpp
proud / current 0.89A
Q7 studený / cold
P2.1 - 1.5Vpp
P2-8 - 1.2Vpp
P3-1 - 54Vpp
P3-8 - 37Vpp
proud / current 0.89A
Q7 studený / cold
TX 4W 7MHz:
P2.1 - 2.4Vpp
P2-8 - 1.8Vpp
P3-1 - 38Vpp
P3-8 - 44Vpp
proud / current 0.77A
Q7 studený / cold
Píšu Guidovi, Lorenzovi a posléze i Garymu.
Guido mi gratuluje.
Následně se obracím přímo na Elecraft ať si dají pozor na chybu v součástkách. Nabízejí mi náhradní kusy, ale jelikož jsem si je sehnal sám, nabízejí mi slevu na příští nákup. Solidní přístup, což ?
O té doby jsem žádné problémy s K1 neměl.
Akorát další nákup zařízení, pastička od Douga W6AME, se taky nepovedla výrobci na poprvé. Ale o tom až příště. Jen musím předeslat, že Doug byl velice vstřícný a vše se vyřešilo.
Because I have the new web page, I would like to write down for posterity what problems I faced in an assembling K1 kit.
In the evening 18-th of August 2010: Directly in Elecraft I'm ordering, after very long chosen (as is indeed usual for me), K1-2 kit with 40 and 80 meters bands for SOTA using. I'm a little bit shaky at payment through PayPal, but Elecraft informs me that the payments received and the order will sent.
Friday 27th: Package is on my table. I start assembling together with my four-year old daughter and my son (he went to the third class in September). We work very carefully according to manual, each day a part. At the end of each chapter we do every prescribed measurements. All goes OK up in Chapter 9, where PA is tested . We test with zero output when I hear a crackling noise from the PA transistor .
I ignor it and increase on the recommended two watts. I'm keying down and after few seconds K1 turns off, 12V power supplier audibly drons . I poured hot.
I turned off the power source and was looking for the cause. It smells no good. After several attempts I exclude PA transistor from PCB and trying to switch on the rig again. TRX runs. It is clear, the transistor Q7 is melted. I have to buy new it and find where I made a mistake.
12th of September: I'm ordering the new transistors 2SC1969, preferably two. The supplier had the last couple of pieces and also I supposed that next experiments will not immediately successful.
!5th Sep.: Replacement piece came. I soldered it to the board, connected power through the ampermetr, set zero output and tried to key down. At 7MHz the current was 0.4 A. Probably it's not well but transistor should be survived. Switching to 80 meters. But here was over 1.1A! It is too much. I couldn't increase to the two watts output. What now. I checked resistors, capacitors, inductors and toroids on the bandpass filters board and aslo on the main board. Nothing I could find. I gave particular attention to the terminals of the toroid. Some I abrade again and soldered. But the result still same. I borrowed oscilloscope. The sinus wawes were distorted, mainly on 80 meters.
26th Sep: I appeal for help on the Elecraft e-mail reflector. I made available as short video sequences. Only Don W3FPR answered and gave me an advise that I have to concentrate on a filter board, there is usually most errors in poorly counted thread coils. Those I have already examined several times, well, I try it again. But everything is OK.
Then Don recommended me , let I try the turn directly for company technical support.
So I write to Elecraft and send a link to the video. Gary AB7MY answered me quickly but he gave me the same advice as before Don. Check the main plate filters and measure the levels of the recommended measuring points. I checked boards and toroids (how many times already ?) and send back the measured results and pointed out that I couldn't use 2W. Gary advised me again to check the accuracy of soldering and winding coils and transformers. I corresponded from Gary 14 days! I Assembled and disassembled kit, rewind T3 and T4, bought a new dummy load, measured with a better oscilloscope , browsed all the boards under a strong magnifying glass. Still nothing. Still a big current, still a great distortion front and behind T4. It looks like tranzistor Q7 worked to wrong impendance .... But I wasn't sure what change it.
10th October: I do not know what to do next. The last option is drive transistor. Therefore, I'm ordering two new pieces.
11th: Gary forwards me a copy of his response to the question what got by Guido ON6RL the day before. Guido describes very similar symptoms with his new K1.
I write directly to Guido. Not so much that I waited for some advice, rather I want to express solidarity with him.
What was surprise when I recieved the Guido's advice the other day.
"Check the mechanical dimensions of the ferrite T4."
He had a completely different type of delivery and when he traded for the right FT50-43, everything started working (!!).
I took a caliper and measured T4. According to the catalog data it is not the proper ferrite. Outside diameter is only 11.35 mm, compared with 12.62 mm given in the catalog.
I didn't hesitate a moment and immediately I ordered the new ring (preferably two).
Before new pieces could come up , I read in the reflector another unfortunate - Lorenz HB9TYU - who has melted transistor Q7. I suggested him: examine T4.
In a few days I have a spare piece on the table. That's good for me that Elecraft supplies enamelled wires with a sufficient margin. I winded new correct toroid T4 of them. I soldered it on the board, connected ampermeter, HF wattmeter and dummy load, and with trembling fingers, turn on the power source. The RX is OK. Switched the TX with 0.1 W. I look on osciloscop, the wawes have calmed down. Increase on 2W. Nice 0.4 A on both bands. Increase on 4W. All values in test points and current are as it should be (see above).
I wrote to Guido, Lorenz, and later Gary.
Guido congratulated me.
Then, I turn directly to Elecraft to gave attention to the error in the parts list. They offer me replacement pieces, but since I bought them myself, Elecraft offered me a discount on next purchase. It sounds good, isn't it ?
About that time I've had no problems with the K1 yet.
Just another purchase equipment, paddle from Doug W6AME, the producer also failed at the first time. But more about will be next time. I just have to say that Doug was very helpful and all was solved
In the evening 18-th of August 2010: Directly in Elecraft I'm ordering, after very long chosen (as is indeed usual for me), K1-2 kit with 40 and 80 meters bands for SOTA using. I'm a little bit shaky at payment through PayPal, but Elecraft informs me that the payments received and the order will sent.
Friday 27th: Package is on my table. I start assembling together with my four-year old daughter and my son (he went to the third class in September). We work very carefully according to manual, each day a part. At the end of each chapter we do every prescribed measurements. All goes OK up in Chapter 9, where PA is tested . We test with zero output when I hear a crackling noise from the PA transistor .
I ignor it and increase on the recommended two watts. I'm keying down and after few seconds K1 turns off, 12V power supplier audibly drons . I poured hot.
I turned off the power source and was looking for the cause. It smells no good. After several attempts I exclude PA transistor from PCB and trying to switch on the rig again. TRX runs. It is clear, the transistor Q7 is melted. I have to buy new it and find where I made a mistake.
12th of September: I'm ordering the new transistors 2SC1969, preferably two. The supplier had the last couple of pieces and also I supposed that next experiments will not immediately successful.
!5th Sep.: Replacement piece came. I soldered it to the board, connected power through the ampermetr, set zero output and tried to key down. At 7MHz the current was 0.4 A. Probably it's not well but transistor should be survived. Switching to 80 meters. But here was over 1.1A! It is too much. I couldn't increase to the two watts output. What now. I checked resistors, capacitors, inductors and toroids on the bandpass filters board and aslo on the main board. Nothing I could find. I gave particular attention to the terminals of the toroid. Some I abrade again and soldered. But the result still same. I borrowed oscilloscope. The sinus wawes were distorted, mainly on 80 meters.
26th Sep: I appeal for help on the Elecraft e-mail reflector. I made available as short video sequences. Only Don W3FPR answered and gave me an advise that I have to concentrate on a filter board, there is usually most errors in poorly counted thread coils. Those I have already examined several times, well, I try it again. But everything is OK.
Then Don recommended me , let I try the turn directly for company technical support.
So I write to Elecraft and send a link to the video. Gary AB7MY answered me quickly but he gave me the same advice as before Don. Check the main plate filters and measure the levels of the recommended measuring points. I checked boards and toroids (how many times already ?) and send back the measured results and pointed out that I couldn't use 2W. Gary advised me again to check the accuracy of soldering and winding coils and transformers. I corresponded from Gary 14 days! I Assembled and disassembled kit, rewind T3 and T4, bought a new dummy load, measured with a better oscilloscope , browsed all the boards under a strong magnifying glass. Still nothing. Still a big current, still a great distortion front and behind T4. It looks like tranzistor Q7 worked to wrong impendance .... But I wasn't sure what change it.
10th October: I do not know what to do next. The last option is drive transistor. Therefore, I'm ordering two new pieces.
11th: Gary forwards me a copy of his response to the question what got by Guido ON6RL the day before. Guido describes very similar symptoms with his new K1.
I write directly to Guido. Not so much that I waited for some advice, rather I want to express solidarity with him.
What was surprise when I recieved the Guido's advice the other day.
"Check the mechanical dimensions of the ferrite T4."
He had a completely different type of delivery and when he traded for the right FT50-43, everything started working (!!).
I took a caliper and measured T4. According to the catalog data it is not the proper ferrite. Outside diameter is only 11.35 mm, compared with 12.62 mm given in the catalog.
I didn't hesitate a moment and immediately I ordered the new ring (preferably two).
Before new pieces could come up , I read in the reflector another unfortunate - Lorenz HB9TYU - who has melted transistor Q7. I suggested him: examine T4.
In a few days I have a spare piece on the table. That's good for me that Elecraft supplies enamelled wires with a sufficient margin. I winded new correct toroid T4 of them. I soldered it on the board, connected ampermeter, HF wattmeter and dummy load, and with trembling fingers, turn on the power source. The RX is OK. Switched the TX with 0.1 W. I look on osciloscop, the wawes have calmed down. Increase on 2W. Nice 0.4 A on both bands. Increase on 4W. All values in test points and current are as it should be (see above).
I wrote to Guido, Lorenz, and later Gary.
Guido congratulated me.
Then, I turn directly to Elecraft to gave attention to the error in the parts list. They offer me replacement pieces, but since I bought them myself, Elecraft offered me a discount on next purchase. It sounds good, isn't it ?
About that time I've had no problems with the K1 yet.
Just another purchase equipment, paddle from Doug W6AME, the producer also failed at the first time. But more about will be next time. I just have to say that Doug was very helpful and all was solved
ReplyDeleteYou story is really interesting. This is real HAM spirit, doing all that work under such stressful situation. But you never gave up trying to progress and to investigate until to solve the trouble with your kit.
Very good example of what we all should do...
Thanks for sharing and I hope to work you from any summit ! Best 73
Ignacio EA2BD
Hi Ignacio,
ReplyDeletethank you for your comment. It's first feedback.
I plan to buy filter board with 30m band. I hope that it will be without troubles ;).
73 Igor OK1TGI