Now I didn't have such much time and also resolve to try reach KR-001 from Horni Marsov, therefore I leave my car on parking place in Horni Mala Upa - Pomezni Boudy (1000 m asl) , on Czech-Polisch border. Parking fee is only 50 crowns - probably it's post-season price.
4th Sep. 2011
02:36 alarm clock is ringing
03:16 car engine starting
05:42 parking place Horni Mala Upa, Pomezni Boudy - P1
6:00 begin on yellow trail
6:57 Jelenka cottage
7:20 I meet people in winter jackets and caps how they come back from KR-001 sunrise.
7:52 a car on KR-001 ?!

8:03 Snezka KR-001, there is some club station in VHF contest in Postovna (Post office) shack
8:15 little bellow top, near cableway station, I started CQ, antena hangs on pole markings
8:43 antena is falling down, QRT, it's quite warm, south wind is blowing
9:00 I leave from top, oh s... I left cap at home, sun is shining, I have only 10 factor suntan cream
9:40 Jelenka cottage

10:12 KR-066 top, antena hangs on dry trees, I'm hiding in the shadow
10:30 wind is quite strong, it's hard to copy my own signs, therefore my keying is not so good
10:53 I continue on blue trail to KR-067 through Pomezky
12:00 Pomezni Boudy, I'm greasing my face continually, but I feel how the sun is burning my white skin ;).

12:50 KR-067 top, the summit is very flat, the highest point is probably the boundary stone 18 / 1
12:55 sweltering heat, app 27°C and sunshine beats, I hug into the thicket
13:11 first QSO

13:26 last QSO, resting in the shadow until 13:45
14:30 Pomezni Boudy, I'm starting my car and going down to Horni Marsov
15:00 Horni Marsov center, Dvorsky les - KR-011- is about 400 meters higher
16:00 in forest, 200 meters above Marsov, I can't continue - too high heat, bad drinking regime, an hunger and total tiredness - probably light become overheated
17:00 back in Horni Marsov, one beer (but alcohol free) and I feel better
19:00 at home and two beers
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