Saturday, December 31, 2011

SOTA OK/PA-026 Hura - the repetition of my firts SOTA activation

For family reasons I'm starting the second PA-026 trip quite late (as well as 2010 PA-026 trip, that time as first SOTA activation) 

Friday, December 23, 2011

OK/PA-024 Hurka - again

Sun 13:37OK1TGI/P on OK/PA-0247.031.9 cw
(Posted by HA7UG)

Friday, December 16, 2011

OK/PA-016 Palice - after one year


613m a.s.l


Saturday, December 10, 2011

OK/PA-018 Liticky Chlum - second visit

SOTAWATCH 19.11.2011
Sat 14:14OK1TGI/P on OK/PA-018
7.032,4 cw

(Posted by DL6KVA)